2016 goals

Last updated 6/01/2016.

1. Pay all debt off.
2. Replace laptop.
3. [undisclosed amount] saved by 31/12.
4. America Trip – May 2016! Woo!
5. Read 10 books (Currently: 0/10).
6. Lose some weight(?)
7. End of the Road Sep 2016. (Paid!)
8. See 10 bands live.
9. Speak at a conference (see 4).
10. Finish NaNoWriMo 2016.

!!. Edit a NaNovel
!!. Finish goals from 2015
!!. Blog some recipes/gig reviews/cosmetics & perfume reviews

About Alice

Alice is a Tester from Wellington, New Zealand, based in London, England.

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